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Healthy Body, Mind, Heart, Spirit and Soul

President and Founder
Dr. Max Logan, D.B.A.

As the president of GraceWalks LLC it is my desire to help businesses and professionals become successful both personally and professionally. GraceWalks was founded on the principle that real success begins when we set our intention to become the best version of ourselves; body, mind, heart, spirit and soul.
My goal in creating GraceWalks has been to find practical ways to create opportunities that allow us to walk out our personal truths and find meaning and purpose in our lives and the lives of others.
I believe that our professions and businesses are one way in which we are able to accomplish this, our personal lives are another. My desire is to find ways to positively integrate the best of who we are into both.
My experience of over 30 years as a counselor, educator, business owner and trainer in various fields including sales, finance, education, criminal justice and licensing allow me to see across various endeavors. My Masters’ degree is in education and my Doctorate degree is in Business Administration and my field of study is management, mentoring, counseling and leadership coaching. I am a fitness enthusiast, lifelong learner and community advocate with the mission to co-create a world where we all have the opportunity to become our best.
I believe that when we set our intention to become our best and allow others to become theirs; we can build a better world for all humankind. Free from the destructive and negative energy that flows from poverty, fear, and insecurity.
Business, when run ethically and with the principle of conscious capitalism, is the cornerstone of a healthy economy and democracy. Living a healthy lifestyle and giving ourselves permission to strive to be our happiest and best; while also allowing others to be theirs are the ingredients to a better world. Check out below our two services that allow us to accomplish this.
GW Business and Professional Networking Association

GraceWalks’ Business, Professional and Leadership Networking component connects us to people, organizations and businesses that are committed to the virtues of excellence, mutual respect, fairness, integrity and giving back to our communities. These virtues together make up our commitment to conscious capitalism and help build successful and healthy businesses and communities
Some of the advantages of being a part of our network association are:
Advertising of your business and organization through member referral services
Executive Training on topics pertinent to your business
Partner with community non-profits to facilitate support and help improve and build healthier and more knowledgeable communities.
Access to Wellness Program for management and employees
Reward of listing your business with other businesses with high customer satisfaction ratings.
Our goal is to advocate, network and support each other in building successful businesses, organizations, professional careers, while also supporting the principles of conscious capitalism and giving back to our communities.
Learn More and Get Started!

GW Fitness and Health Wellness Program
As a community we understand the importance of regular exercise and the support of others in order to be our best and accomplish our goals. So together with the revolutionary fitness technique of ChiWalk/Run and access to an accountability coach; we are able to personalize a fitness and health program that is holistic and allows you to start where you need to begin.
Fitness and Health with ChiWalking and ChiRunning
The technique of ChiWalk/Run combines Tai Chi with the flow and grace of walking and running when performed at its best. The principles of Tai Chi include:
Mental Focus
Proper Breathing
Body Sensing
Safety and Energy Efficiency
Ability to improve fitness and weight control
Chi-Walking was developed by ultra-marathoner Danny Dreyer, along with his wife Katherine Dryer and ChiRunning was developed by Ultra-Marathoner Danny Dryer and his Tai Chi Master Instructor. The collaborations of these individuals produced a revolutionary exercise that it grounded in a holistic exercise that supports the body, mind and spirit, especially when exercising in nature.
Also, the technique is grounded in the principles of safety and energy efficiency, both allow you really enjoy your workout for longer periods (burn more calories) and maximize your cadence timing, without worry of injury when done correctly. You finish with energy left to complete the rest of your day feeling empowered; mentally and physically refreshed.
So, no matter what your age or fitness level, whether fitness walking alone is for is or you want to start a running program that is safe and allows you to finish with energy to spare; ChiWalking and/or ChiRunning is for you
You along with your accountability coach can develop and individualized plan to take you to whatever fitness level you are aiming for and keep you at your personal best. No matter where you start…if it’s just counting steps from your bedroom to your front door or if you are planning your next marathon and want to do it injury free and with enough energy left over for those after the event party activities. We can take you there!
Learn More and Get Started!

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